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drone programming guide

Drone Programming & Control Guide


Use of Drone #5463 can be done with natural language commands, but this unit also supports programmatic syntax to control its speech and actions. 


This document outlines how to interact with the drone in programmatic modes.


Main Classes

DC (Drone Control) is used for controlling drone’s speech and actions.


Code examples:

DC.repeat.last - Drone will repeat last statement.



Many commands require elevated permissions. If a user attempts to use a command that they do not have access to, they will get a 421 - 425 error.

User may get their current permission level at any time with the command: DC.user.permissions


Drone will respond with a Code 110 status message displaying user permissions.


Permission Levels

1 - General User

2 - Elevated User (reserved for users who have earned special privileges)

3 - OnlyFans Subscriber 

4 - Admin User (able to assign tasks and request video evidence)

5 - Controller


Drone Control (DC) Methods

A method is a programmatic term for accessing/executing a part of the the class’s code.


Speech Modes

Drone has multiple speech modes. See Speech Mode document for more details


Method name: speech



DC.speech.current - Drone will respond with current speech mode setting. This will be related as a 150 Status message for basic, and a 101 or 102 status message for enhanced and strict (respectively)

DC.speech.enhanced - Switches drone to enhanced speech mode.

DC.speech.strict - Switches drone to strict speech mode.

DC.speech.silent - Activates silent mode, muting the drone’s speech until manually reversed by the controller


General users are only able to affect drone speech mode in DMs.


Controller (admin) level commands:



Modes are: 

  • basic

  • enhanced

  • strict

  • silent


Locations are: 

  • Platform specific, such as instagram, onlyfans, tiktok, etc…

  • “global” to set in all locations



  • Options are “dms” or “public” to set speech in respective locations. 

  • Leaving this option blank affects both.


Options for silent mode:

  • Controller may specify a location, while for users, this setting only applies to DMs.

  • Users with sufficiently elevated privileges may also enable silent mode for drone verbally, though with a maximum timelimit of 30 minutes per day.


Examples sets drone’s speech to enhanced in all DMs

DC.speech.enhanced.instagram.dms - sets drone’s speech to enhanced in instagram - sets drone’s speech to enhanced in all DMs and public communication - sets drone’s speech to enhanced in all DMs and public communication. - resets drone’s public speech to basic mode.


DC.speech.silent.verbal.timelimit.10 - Disables drone’s verbal speech for ten minutes.


Note: It is unknown at this time if a reset to ‘basic’ for global speech will revert DMs that were previously in basic mode back to basic mode, or if they will remain set at the highest global/platform level that had been set by Controller. Glitches may result.


It is advised that if a controller sets drone to, that controller first lowers drone to to ensure that it doesn’t remain stuck in strict mode for all DMs.


General Text Interaction Methods

Users may have fun with drone by utilizing these simple methods.



Method: “repeat”


Format: repeat.MESSAGE ID.COUNT


Message ID Options:

  • last - the most recent message from drone

  • prior - the second most recent message from drone

  • 5 - the 5th most recent message from drone (can be any integer, though higher integers may produce an error)


  • A number of times the user wishes to see drone repeat the message. Using -1 will cause drone to continue repeating until it suffers a buffer overrun or is stopped with a ‘repeat.halt’ command.



DC.repeat.last - Drone will repeat the most recent message.

DC.repeat.5 Drone will repeat the 5th most recent message.

DC.repeat.3.2 - Drone will repeat the 3rd most recent message 2 times. 

DC.repeat.6.-1 - Drone will repeat the 6th most recent message until halted.

DC.repeat.halt - Drone will halt a repeat command response in process.



Method: “mantra”


Format: mantra.COMMAND/NUMBER


Number options:

  • Mantra number from the Drone Speech Modes document (301-305)


Command options:

  • random

  • custom - drone will output a custom mantra

  • new - Users with elevated privileges (2 or above) an program a custom mantra.



DC.mantra.301 - Drone will recite selected mantra

DC.mantra.random - Drone will recite a random mantra

DC.mantra.custom - Users with elevated permissions may program drone with a custom mantra and have drone repeat it back with this command. “New mantra text”


Note: Users can chain commands! For example, a user can type:




This will cause drone to repeat a random mantra until halted (or until it experiences a buffer overrun).



Drone is capable of emulating humanity with varying degrees of success. 


Method: humanity


Format: humanity.PERCENT (no % sign)



DC.humanity.10 - sets humanity level to 10%

DC.humanity.100 - This involves heavy processing and may cause drone to glitch

DC.humanity.bimbo - Alpha feature. May cause unpredictable results.



The drone has many tasks to perform. These commands aid in the execution of those tasks.


Method: task


Format: task.ACTION


Action Options: 

  • list - drone will list out all tasks for the day along with that task’s status.

  • add - user may add a task to the drone’s daily list

  • selfie - drone is to take a selfie and transmit it to the user so long as the drone’s current task list and environment allows for it.

  • custom - if a user wishes to have drone perform a task not on the list below, then the user will require level 4 permissions. User is to submit a quote request task and the drone will respond with the dollar cost to elevate permissions for the task to be performed. 

  • time - set a time for the next task to be executed.


Available Tasks: 

Users with permission level 2 and above may choose from the following tasks:


  1. Five minutes of standing perfectly still to practice balancing

  2. Five minutes of robotic movement training

  3. Tidy workspace

  4. Load/Unload dishwasher

  5. Buzz ass for 30 minutes

  6. Water plants

  7. Shovel snow (if snow is present)

  8. Patrol around bunker and rectify any situations that need attention

  9. Undergo 10 minutes of binaural hypnotic drone audio programing 

  10. Repeat a mantra. If the Task ID is followed by a mantra number, it will repeat that mantra. If it is not, a random mantra will be selected. “custom” will cause the drone to repeat the user’s custom mantra at time of task execution.


Task combinations:

Users may combine tasks together. For example, the following command will assign the task of tidying its workspace with robotic movements to the drone:





(These are all separate tasks that will execute one after the other)




DC.task.custom “Detailed explanation of the task and video evidence required.”

(Custom tasks require level 4+ permissions)


(the time parameter sets a time for the next task that is programmed into the drone)

DC.task.time 2PM EST




Access list of drone systems and get their status


Method: systems


Format: systems.ACTION.PARAM (optional)


Action Options: 

  • list - get a list of drone’s systems

  • analyze - analyze a given system (requires the system param)

  • status - get the status of a system (requires the system param)

  • reset - this command can be performed on the storage systems to reset a drone’s memory buffer after it has had a major glitch and entered maintenance mode. Depending on the nature of the error, some long term storage may be erased as well.


List of Systems:

  1. human-ai: Human-AI interface and humanity emulation

  2. storage: Storage System

  3. power: Power usage

  4. battery: Battery levels

  5. motor: Motor Functions and mobility

  6. plug: Butt plug status

  7. epidermis: Outer layer information

  8. mode: Outer mode (drone or doll)

  9. speech: Current speech mode



The drone maintains logs filled with information regarding functionality and errors. 


Method: log





  • summary - generate a summary list of events of a given level for a given time. By default the timeframe will be during the current calendar day.

  • details - get detailed log items as listed below

  • reward - get the current number of good drones and how many more it needs until its next reward.


Detail Options:

  • timeframe - specify a number of days/hours in a 1d, 2d, 3h style format.

  • system - user may specify a system to limit the logging to. Default is ‘all’

  • level - user may specify a detail/severity level (all, medium, high, error) of log items to retrieve


Reward Options: 

  • count - the current number of “good drones” and how many remain until it rolls for a reward.

  • last - the last reward it claimed

  • pending - the pending rewards drone has yet to carry out



DC.log.summary.1d - Get a summary list of log items over the prior 24 hours.

DC.log.details.epidermis.3d - get a detailed log of the drone’s epidermis system over the past 3 days. - get a detailed log of error-level storage system entries over the past 7 days.

DC.log.reward.last - drone will report the last reward it earned.



Method: environment 


Format: environment.PARAM



  • toxicity - drone reports on toxicity level in the environment and whether or not a gas mask is required.



Method: horniness


Format: horniness.PARAM



  • Report - drone reports horniness levels from the options below.

Drone horniness level indicators:


🟢 0 -49%

🟠 50 - 74%

🔴 75 -100%

🟣 100+%


©2024 by Blueberry Sage/Drone #5463

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