Purchase 1 day of level 3 Programming Control
Level 3 programming control allows users to assign the drone tasks that can be selected in its programming guide. You will receive several photos of tasks being performed.
Use is limited to 20 tasks.
Tasks include:
Five minutes of standing perfectly still to practice balancing
Five minutes of robotic movement training
Tidy workspace
Load/Unload dishwasher
Buzz ass for 30 minutes
Water plants
Shovel snow (if snow is present)
Patrol around bunker and rectify any situations that need attention
Undergo 10 minutes of binaural hypnotic drone audio programing
Repeat a mantra. If the Task ID is followed by a mantra number, it will repeat that mantra. If it is not, a random mantra will be selected. “custom” will cause the drone to repeat the user’s custom mantra at time of task execution.